It is evident today that the primary objective of education is to bring about peace and harmony amongst the millions of competing adults. It is for this reason that we take special pains to sensitize children about various religious and cultural beliefs and customs through various festive celebrations as secular citizens of our great country.

Besides these we also encourage children to celebrate Colours Day, Vegetables Day etc. The Sports week marks a season of seamless competitive activities and Annual day celebration is the day of glory for all the performers. The razmataz of the event lies in our recognition awards. We organize numerous competitions like quiz, group discussions, debates and elocution.


At JJIS we firmly believe that education primarily means the building up of a multifaceted personality with a strong character. With this aim we have included innumerable extra curricular activities like, Karate, Dance, Dramatics, Painting, Music, Swimming and Skating to name like just a few.
For a child to excel in todays globle village it is mandatory to have an excellent command over the English language & Grammar Classes which have set our pupils on a more competitive pedestal.